early September-- The school system website crashes, leaving schools with NO webpage!! It was going to be changed to a new host anyway, but this sped up the process, and I had to attend an emergency training on the new one. Of course, I had no files from the previous page, so I have to build it 100% from scratch. It is still a work in progress, however.
I was also able to attend a FREE, conference. How many good things in life are free? Well, this was! It was a local, regional conference for media specialists, complete with vendors and breakout sessions. So much to absorb, and I wanted to attend more sessions then I was able.
In early October, I attended my first NCSLMA conference! Very cool indeed. I met some of my classmates in my degree program (it's 100% online, so this was a great chance to meet), along with a few professors (see previous parenthesis). Terrific keynotes, and breakout sessions. Again, having to choose which ones to attend was difficult, so I did a bit of session hopping! I got to meet some library rock stars and some book rock stars! But did I get my pictures made with any of them? Of course not. Since I have taught in the high school area, and now am in an elementary school as a librarian, I did not know Pete the Cat was a rock star! And yes, I met James Dean!Sweet! I did score a free ARC, and spent plenty of my hard earned cash on books, but who can blame me there? And now that grad school is almost officially over, I will have time to read again.
In mid October, I
Back to reality as November hit. Tons of grad school work to complete, and at school: kids, books, lessons, and teachers! Luckily, they're all good! November was a short month, only one of the weeks we had school for a whole five day week. The rest were 'short' weeks, and off THE WHOLE WEEK OF THANKSGIVING!!!! I have never had that before! Excellent!
Oh, and on a teacher workday in November, we had a media meeting and one of our presenters was one of my blog rockstars- The Candid Librarian!
So, that is a brief recap of how my first few months as a librarian has been. What I have to do now, is remember all the funnies kids (and adults) have said. That will be another blog.
Til then,